I was this innocent kid,
I was hurdling round freely.
I thought you loved me.
You took me in to your arms,
Hugged me, cuddled me.
You did everything to bring a smile in me.
Was that love of your fake?
Was it?
Are you a witch?
Who are you?

I stood there in visible of the gate,
By the gate you went by.
I had none but few to take care of,
I cried.
I remembered you, but you weren’t.
I had this overwhelming sadness around me.
I was a loner, not a tuff boy, just because of you.
I suffered while you enjoyed.
Boy, what was it?
Was that love of your fake?
Was it?
Are You that Bad?
Who are you?

Time rolled on, it just passed in front of eyes.
I saw just glimpses of you, you were not there.
You betrayed me and now I am good,
You want something in return,
Because you conceded me,
Is that enough, no love, no pain, no share.
Was that love of your fake?
Was it?
Are you that Selfish?
Who are you?
I wonder.

Tags: Hate

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