"LOVE IS LIFE" they say. We heard that over a thousand times. And to perceive it, it took just a small moment of time. A moment of time that left us staring at someone special. A moment of time that made us blush when the one special stole a look at us. It's such precise moments that made us realise how good life is, how great life is, how beautiful love is. . .

Love never fails to throw some wonder at us. It fills you and me up to our brims. Essence of words such as satisfaction and happiness pour into our hearts. Magic happens. Everything goes right when love is around. While our present cherishes the fruits of love, the future awaits with promises of new and bright blooms. Colours become meanings, flowers turn into expensive gifts and dreams become more real than the reality. And love. . . . just become greater than life itself!

Smiles were never so wonderful, tears were never so meaningful. . . . Neither was the sunshine so warm nor were the winds so comforting. Ripples and waves were lifeless untill now. Never were a couple of lovebirds the cutest things on earth. Never did the heart become so understanding for another person. . .

Life taught us about values, love taught about life. We became different persons but love remained the same, its essence invaluable. The magic still succeeds to enhance the colours of life and make things lighter than air. When you are no more a teenager, love may sometimes seem to be long gone. But believe me, still, you'll skip a heartbeat, long after you fell in love for the very first time in life.

Tags: When in Love

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