I must say I'm real glad I found you. You did make my life easier. I can revert to and fro like a pendulum.
As autistic hands moving..up down up down.
Like a man dozing in a bus, his head going side to side.
Like the wall clock going tick tock tick tock.

I like you especially as you confuse people. They go bonkers.
They wonder who they're talking to. Sometimes I'm an obnoxious he, sometimes a stupendous she. Ouch..ouch..They wind up on the Psychiatrist's couch.

But you make me schizophrenic!
Split two personalities..one good, one bad, one clever, one dull..both dwelling side by side. How could I?

I can be off when I'm on and on when I'm really off. Hope you got that.
I wished to be someone. I end up anon.

But yet am getting to love you more and more each new day. Because I can poll myself there when I'm here and myself here when I'm there.
I can even send a friend request to me ! haha
So dear pen name how I'm thankful to thee!

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