The solitary life that you live,
For whose sake you do appease.
The appetite is full to the brim,
Yet your anger hurts your sheen.
Give break a chance amidst fight,
Perhaps it does need one badly.
Give dream a chance while asleep,
It won't be one feverish night then.
So often do we miss the little joy,
In material pursuits our life passes by.
The road and flowers do lie still,
Silent yet praying for our paths to mend.
Give friendship a chance between people,
The bonds are double in value and worth.
A little tear upon a tiny tot's singular face,
Maybe its emptiness will touch you true.
The solitary life that you live,
For whose conscience do you evolve.
The glory will be for many and not one,
Yet you are haughty in your rumble.

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