Exam time and I hate it. From the time I've entered Engineering, studying for exams always means the last minute studies. You never get time during the semester to study. The projects, assignments, seminars, etc take all your time! And what about the rest of the time? Well, that's reserved for Tech fests, fun weeks, concerts and the like!So unless you are someone who isn't interested in all the things I mentioned now, the only recourse for doing well in exams is the last minute study! And here is how that ends up to be!
A week before exams..
Finally all classes are over, the project review is there tomorrow and then I can study for the exams. And then goes the plan. This day this chapter. All is well and you go off to sleep. Next day project review everything's working fine and then "Make another report and submit it within tomorrow" or "Modify it" or something else. In short, they are never satisfied! And then there goes your plan. One day down for the project and the next day for all the rest of the stuff. 5 days left!
The next day you check your mail and there is something urgent which requires your attention, some forms to be filled and some research to be done and there you are left with 4 days.
4 days, 6 subjects! Possible! Not possible even if you study 24 hours in a day! And yet you somehow cling to your books. People around you think you have holidays and then tell you do this for me, do that for me and you can't refuse!These frequent disturbances don't let you get a good pace and sometimes you give up and just go off to sleep! And then when you think you slept just for a few minutes and check the time, it's been 3 hours! OMG! I'm dead!
And then when there are just 2 days for the exam and you are trying to study real hard, your friend calls you! Hall tickets are being issued. Collect them now! And there I am disappointed. My plans have gone awry again! I have to go to college and the one journey by bus makes it all the more tiring. 2 hours for traveling and then another hour in the college! 3 hours lost! And you come back home tired. The scorching summer sun has already drained all the energy from you! And after a sumptuous lunch which mom's prepared, you again go off to sleep! The day is almost over!
The day before exams..
You wake up early and plan to study. Things go on smoothly until after breakfast. Mom decides to go the market and everyone decides to pay a visit at that time only! And it's noon! My sleep gets better of me again and I wake up in the evening! Once I wake up, I feel like reading something else. One story would do no harm! But then it goes on and it's more than an hour! Oh no! there's hardly any time left! Hey people, I got to go now! I've to study! :-P
P.S.: The stunts mentioned in this article are performed by professionals. Please do not try them at home! ;-)

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