I have been walking continuously
Since the moment you walked away from me
I walk alone all the time though
It feels like you are accompanying me
Without you, yet with your memories
You make me not to feel lonely

I keep walking irrespective of day and night
On the day time your shadow walks along
Sometimes leading me, some other time it just follows
At night your smile showers on me
Like the moonlight in the dark sky
Enlightening me all through the journey

I take a pause often and sit for rest
Even there you sit beside me
I try to recall the destinations
That I have crossed so far
But I can remember nothing
Except you standing in all those stations

Tell me, What is this walk for??
To search for myself
Yes, I have lost myself in your love
You have stolen all those I had owned
My life, my dreams, my soul and everything
In search of those I have been walking

Tags: Love

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