....AND one day fate makes a reverse swipe!!

....AND then the gong strikes!!AND then, your dream faces reality!! ..AND you realize that was an end… that it was a dream, you forced to get out of this dream by sand of time.. AND it was you who misconstrued by your life.. So, at the end of it all, its just a fault, no one whom you can blame.

Everything seems to be wrong.. nothing seems to be right..It seems the walls are closing in on ..LOVE seems to be too hollow a word..with no meanings attached… Even if you give your life for someone, that too doesn't suffice at time ..coz it is never acknowledged..coz you don’t say anything ..Coz you feel LOVE is about giving it all away selflessly without ever expecting anything in return.

....At one point in time, you feel that you have everything that you had ever asked for, everything that you ever wished.. you can ask for no more ..AND the very next moment, the reality strikes!! AND you realize, you have lost it all.. you have nothing left to call it yours.. This happens, and you cry. YOU cry and then you promise yourself, that you’ll be strong, that life has to move on the silent way, ..AND you move ON a silent path, with blank eyes and small hope in a corner of your heart, a new beginning with no new dream.

"....AND then you decide to shut all the doors forever, for no one to let in and keep your eyes wide open, so that you don’t start dreaming again ..AND you don’t try any more ..AND you become stone cold..AND the soul inside you thus, DIES ..AND never comes alive ..AND you think you was in Nirvana.

....AND, you feel that you are standing at the middle of the square, surrounded by the entire world, yet not even one soul who notices you ..AND you again decide to move ON that same silent path..

As and when a myriad of thoughts effuse in your mind,
You try and pen them down.
And as these thoughts propagate through the lanes of reveries,
It becomes your Autobiography in form of poetry.

....Then one fine blue day, steps in, an guy, who become your friend, and life seems to be back on track ..He notices You, he likes You, he praises You, he loves You, he tries to makes you laugh, he tries to makes you feel wanted, And HE becomes an important someone in your life ..AND then you feel, this is THE moment that you always wanted to live, so what if you got it this way ..AND the Cinderella inside you is all smiles.. Your tears, Your pain, Your sorrows, Your agony, Your loneliness, Your anxiety, and Your bad all seems to fade away and all your scars from the past seems to be filled with.. The happiness,, The blissfulness, The jubilation, The ecstasy, The elation, The smiles, The confidence, The companionship, and all the goods.. I can almost feel them when I write these lines....Waiting for you in time to come....

When i came to your world,
it was a land so barren…. so empty!! but with every breath that you take, i try to give it more life and an identity!

for a mere mortal.. heart will beat in every core,
and it will remain ....for eternity!!!

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