I was shocked to read the morning papers. A man masturbated in front of a young woman, alone on the late evening local train, in the first class women's compartment!

She was just one stop away from her destination, so she'd decided to wait, when this dastardly act was committed.
She was so scared, she ran to the door, when he decided to grope her from behind. She screamed. The men in the adjacent compartment broke open the grills and ran in to save the helpless woman.

Are we in Mumbai? The safest city in the country?
The guy, called Solomon, when interrogated, said he was a priest.
Oh, please!

Hello...are we watching some action Hindi movie? Sometimes I think I am. When drug addicts tie up a young journalist and threaten her with broken beer bottles, then rape her brutally..
when a pervert does the act before a woman at 11 pm on a train and then proceeds to grope her..

Men are getting bolder day by day and going scot free every time. The police are hand in gloves with them. How else could this happen with alacrity right under their nose?

It's time we clean up our movies. I think they are the source of these awful crimes. Ban crime scenes totally. Young minds get influenced so easily. They find it tough to separate fantasy from reality.

Can't we have good, clean cinema? Family oriented, realistic ones without the masala..
without crazy women running around trees with funny aged men( disguised as young!) chasing them!
Is a villain really needed in every movie?
Do girls have to look so helpless all the time?
Do we really need women screaming their lungs out at ugly men pouncing on them..
do we???

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