Recently they discovered that women with larger than average butts are not only increasingly intelligent but also very resistant to chronic illnesses.
They tend to have lower levels of cholesterol and are less likely to have diabetes or heart problems.
The researchers also found that the children born to women with wider hips are intellectually superior to the children of slimmer, less curvy mothers.

Now reading this, I can well imagine our men starting out on a new quest.
Searching for women with big butts!

I mean, till now they were looking at the wrong side.
Just think what the female boss would think, with everyone staring at her backside.
Why, they may forget to shake her hand, instead pump her behind!

Or even the girl being interviewed for an arranged marriage. She'd be shocked to catch the guy talking to her bottom!

The hostess in the air always had it bad. Now it would get worse, what with every guy wanting to check whether she was intelligent!

So we'll have more Jennifer lopezs soon. Gyms would concentrate on rounding them to the fullest.
Trousers will be fitter, clothes worn tighter and most folk on street will stare at every one's posterior.
None would want to jump a queue.
Which means less fist fights.

The new hit song doing the rounds.. 'Bum maaro Bum.'

A whole new generation of well rounded kids are on their way.
Thanks to their moms for keeping it well and round.
Also to their dads for standing behind their moms!

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