The rustle of leaves proclaim love,
For me,from you and your soul.
They caress my face in the glow,
I am softened by their unheard voice.
The swinging grass demands trust,
For me,from you and your soul.
Wishing to be looked up to in beauty,
Ever so big in its rhythmic swansong.
The clouds move about to make me smile,
For me,from you and your soul.
From the togetherness to the wilderness,
Maybe apart but united by heart.
The small flying bird wishes luck,
For me,from you and your soul.
Any presence I feel is of only you,
Of your soft feet on the hard floor of dirt.
The setting sun does readily remind,
For me,from you and your soul.
Our lives were meant to be thus,
Connect in presence,disoriented in absence.

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