Sitting by a particular corner,
I wonder how could this happen,
all of a sudden
without no forecast, without no news
or without any mistake whose punishment remained due,
as I win the war between death and life,
I realize how delicate is the life we live,
how uncertain is the rope that ties
us to this world,
how we save for bread and rice,
and yet not think, what if there's no chance we get,
to have water filled mouths, as the rice we eat...
Even a small carelessness could have the power
to snatch away a healthy tower
to dwell into the heaven or hell
while on the land the people wail...
"Why you left us, for a heavenly abode"
As if they would have done it knowingly.
Who wants death?
Causing suffering, wreck?
Leaving so many things unanswered?
Yet it comes, Yam comes down, with a sword
Carrying with him whom he likes,
And no matter what on Earth you try,
Money can't buy
everything, atleast not a life...
And after spending lacs,
they tell you, "she is no more"
"Dengue hurt her to the core"
Unimaginable how a lively life could end abrupt,
among so many lives so corrupt
And yet we live happily,
not for a time more than moments wondering
what if I was there, instead?

Tags: LIFE

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