There is something here, the sensation or whatever it is.
I just like ignoring some people, it’s not I want to; it is just because that they drain the oomph out of me. It could be the only reason, and there are some people I want to ignore but I just can’t. There is so much to speak, I can go on and on, but in the long run I end up speaking less. There is so much that I want to convey, but I just don’t. I act sick sometimes.
It is just like; being secretive is my birth right. I like to have that in me, that secret. I am content with it. I won’t possibly share with anyone. Only my heart knows me, or maybe not?
I don’t want to impress anyone. I am happy being a friend. Maybe people are drawn to me sometimes, it is just my nature, it is just the way I am, and I can’t help with that.
I love passionately and at the same time I can hate passionately too. There is this feel, I don’t know, hatred, love, laughter and all shitty emotions play inside me. It is like a radio playing forever and ever.
Some days are too long and I don’t think this pain will ever go. It is burning inside me now.
‘You are not expressive, you will never ever be’, she had said. Yes, she was right.
I have my group, my best friend; I don’t know what they do when I am gone. I am not going to come back. I wonder life will be after two years.
I always wanted something or other, the road leads me…
My destination is…

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