Goodbyes are always hard. They are heartbreaking and they make u sad to your soul, especially when you know you are seeing that person for the last time. To see their face and look into their eyes and to say that final word, that is torture. How much it hurts to keep a brave face, smile and wish them the best when inside the tears you do not allow to flow eat at you inside like acid eats into metal.
Still, having the chance to say goodbye is God-given. Some people depart so suddenly and unexpectedly that you never get the opportunity to tell them goodbye. You cannot tell them how much they mean to you. So many words.. So many feelings you fail to express.. So many things you have to tell them, yet time, life or destiny, or a mixture of all three rob you of the chance to speak. You think of them everyday and you find things you wish to tell them. If only there was some way to tell them. All those small daily happenings that you can never share with them because they are gone. Gone.. How much you wish you could see their face.. Just one last time.. To be able to talk to them and hear their voice just the one last time.. Even if its just to say: Papa, I miss you and I love you...

Tags: Tragedy

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