Looking out of the train window, my mind wanted my eyes to travel to the farthest end possible. It felt like my eyes wanted to capture the serene beauty of nature. But I realized that in the desire of looking to the farthest end I am missing out things which are located close to my eyes and which could be seen more clearly.. So strange.

Similarly in life, we are so busy planning our future that sometimes we forget our present. For our planned, imagined 'big' moments of life we miss out several small moments which could give us joy.. But joy knows no such classification of big and small. The feeling of joy is more important than the cause of joy.

I was joyful when I got a surprise gift of two books from my friend. I was also joyful when my mom had told my matriculation result over the phone. I cannot compare the magnitude of the joy I felt on both occasions. All I know is I was happy and that is more important to me.

Coming back to the point, why do we fail to look at things situated close and spend our energy in imagining things which are just faintly visible to us. May be it is a human tendency to get attracted to things which are out of reach.

But logic says "A bird in a hand is worth two in bush". So why not seek happiness in those small moments which are plentiful and easily accessible.

Tags: Joy, LIFE

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