Sometimes I wonder what a painful tragedy it is with those who happen to lose their memory. I mean, I was of the view that they lose half of their lives, major parts of their lives! The memories and everything that meant to them once, is just lost somewhere in the mid of sky and earth! They have to start it all over again! They have to know everyone from the beginning! They have to make new memories. It's just as a system full of data which was crashed without any backup, and thus everything has to be re-installed in it!
But I think it better rather than to live with all the flashbacks of the past! I wish I may lose my memory someday so I may have no feelings of fear, love or hatred! For these are the feelings which destroys a person, and yes they have totally destroyed my mental status! I want to feel nothing at this time or may be for any time anymore. I want to start it all over again! I want to let go of everything that has ever bothered me in any way! I want to fly high, and I want to be free! I am fed-up of everyone! I want to be there, where I wont have to judge anyone! I just want to be myself once again, or the better one; for I am no more contented with who I am now!
The one who loses his memory has no fear of losing. I have, or I am already lost.

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