1st june '' mom's forgotten memories '' ''Letters ''

My mom was just searching for something in old books cupboard there she accidentally found some letters.. i saw a glimpse of happiness on her face, she showed them to me they came from
''bhaskar yelisetty'' the writing is so beautiful and artistic. ''calligraphy'',

my mom already said about her friend she had in college days.. he was a poet in 1980,s time... which were also printed in news papers.. that time.... his poems are about mainly revolution, social causes, nd so... my mom said she met him in books nd poems exhibition gallery...there mom was reading a poem written by him on prostitute nd stood there for few minutes as she loved the poem so much... he was unknown to her yet, then suddenly someone asked mom, do u want to meet the person who wrote it? she replied glad if i could.... actually poet was standing a few feet away from her...nd that person pointed his finger towards that poet...nd he's already observing this whole scene...
she said me, that she was at shock first nd later praised him.. she said he was introvert so he was tight lipped nd just sighed, as a sign of thank you...meanwhile my mom keep on praising..nd mom said he gave laconic replies..

nd ya he wrote a letter to mom the next day, the very first letter where he said sorry for his taciturnity nd about his financial problems nd ya he described about his wife too.. yep he's married by that time... i read this letter.

i seriously loved his writing style read 3 letters i guess, nd was really curious about him nd asked mom, where is he now? what's he doing now?
then she continued, she said she lost contact with him as she stopped writing letters... nd then im like why? why did you stopped? how can u lose such a good friend?

her answer pushed me into deep thoughts, i was upset...she said she got married to my dad,she became busy, her world changed...later we became her world... '' such an idiot my dad is to miss mom ',

Then i asked where he might be now ? she replied he was dead long time ago, she came to know the news through a mutual friend after so many months she came to know the news after 7 months he died..
that mutual friend said to mom that bhaskar remembered MOM so many times even in final days..but mom was not in contact as there were no mobiles that time... i observed her eyes wet a bit..

i realised she has nothing left for her, she sacrificed her friends,memories, happiness, little wishes..everything...

its not just about my mom...i know its a story of almost every mother....i know many mom's did the same mistake.... you will never know them.. words will be left unspoken forever..unless you get a chance..

nd im glad, i got a chance to understand my mom better,got a chance to look into her past, got a chance to know what she missed. i salute every mother coz just she is mom the word says it all. :)

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