As far as my memory goes back, and I can find evidences, I started writing when I was 3 years old, that is just around the time when I had mastered the alphabets in Bengali and English. Also, I remember starting on Rabindra Rachana Shomogro (A complete collection of Tagore's works), just after I had finished Thakumar Jhuli and a small collection of other Bengali fairy tales. So, it was not that surprising that I had my own diary at the age of 7, filled with around 50 rough rhymes and a head full of dreams to get the Nobel Prize in Literature some day, just like Robi Thakur.

Time went on and that child walked across the veiled years of adolescence, peeking through the ground glass walls that marked the boundaries of adulthood. Words always wrapped themselves around me like a shawl, protecting me and providing warmth and comfort when everything else felt distant and cold. Words were my windows, my doors and maybe my house itself, nesting me and helping me to grow. I grew up and started realising that all dreams are not meant to be true but still that dream to be a writer, to be heard and read by more people that fits in a room, always stayed. It was a hard time when I came into a professional field, moreover M.B.B.S, which demanded more time than any other field of study. On one hand there was this dream of being a writer,linguist and a creativist and on the other was the competitive nature which said, "you have to shine".

The time crunch remains,the fights between the right and left brains grow beyond control at times, still the dream to be heard and read by more people than that fits in a room...lives. So, when I came across 'Writerbabu' on the auspicious day of 1st January '14, it seemed like another push towards living that dream. I am strictly against making New Year Resolutions, because those resolutions are forgotten even before the new year grows more than a week old. But this time I really wish that this account here doesn't get forsaken like all the ephemeral blogs that I have created so far.

This time, I have come to stay.

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