Having a cup of Coffee alone in my cabin,
reminds me the days of college with friends in Canteen
Though with richest milk the coffee is not so sweet
It has its own charm when penniless friend gives a treat

Licking lips after having coffee and sharing half toffee
is replaced by office hours and running after employee trophy

Sharing and Caring is not in dictionary
The only thing which is on top is worries and worries

I Miss the fun, I miss the selfless innocent heart
here in office we are the aim of dart

Blame game and insulting are part of routine
though at meetings or in canteen

This rich coffee is bitter
I miss my friend whom I can reach by only Facebook or Twitter

All have become rational, in field of professional
But I am Sure somewhere like me, they are also emotional

This fight of career runs our life
Money, Position, Designation and Salary Hikes

We miss our friends and all those fun
but Vadapav and Chai is replaced by Coffee and Bun

Money is power Money is life's Treat
But in front of these memories
Is dis Rich Coffee Sweet ?

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