Clearly Sharks are well known and recognized world-widely as Super-eating machines, that often attack and kill humans (surfers,swimmers,Fishermen,divers,Abalone hunters,ect...). There is no way to deny that pasts attacks have struck such fear in the hearts of ordinary people nowadays that Some have even stopped going to beaches due to that... But are sharks really what people think about them????

There are usually 2 types of shark attacks; the provoked and unprovoked.

Provoked attacks happens when the victims usually pokes or teases the fish. Cases of provoked attacks are usually fatal while leaving survivors in a state of shock and trauma.

The unprovoked cases are the ones that made some people hate shark. The widely famous 1916's Jersey shore shark attacks is a clear example. Four species of sharks are held responsible for most fatalities when unprovoked; The great white shark, tiger shark, bull shark and White-tip shark.

let's consider the arguably most dangerous one. The great white, fascinating creatures, often mistake surfboards for seals, thus proceeding to make an attack. Experts have concluded that Great White Sharks do not enjoy human flesh, since humans have less fats compared to seals or whales. Also, humans tend to fight back and get rescued by other humans, which is not a characteristic of a great white prey.

For more info, check out this link:

Sharks are not to be blamed. They hunt and kill; it is their nature. They are predatory animals. But being with a shark in the water doesn't always mean that you are the prey.

Watch the little documentary as an evidence of what I wrote:

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