She came in the room holding a hot cup of coffee. Her dark hair were tied in a high pony tail and bangs covered half of her forehead. She had a pale complexion and an average body. She was wearing a shirt with jungle shades of green, black jeans and red nail paint. This random combination was enhancing her beauty.Her rosy pink lips were a prove that she didn't need any gloss or lipstick to be a standout. No matter how sad she may be, she always managed to look beautiful with huge almond shaped dark brown eyes which glowed in the shade of light brown whenever she gets to be in sunlight.

She was in the starting tween years mostly where she found herself in a roller coaster of life switching seats from emotional to the more mature and sensible ones. But she succeeded rarely because of the constant fight between the pressure she had by her family to grow up as she was the eldest among her siblings and the little child beneath her skin who was phobic to get mature. She still wanted to take risks, make mistakes, repeat the same mistake after promising herself she won’t do that again, to believe she can attain anything, love without expecting and to feel constantly drive by her imperfection.

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