Get up in the morning, pick up the daily local newspaper hoping to start the day with something positive, some inspiring or value adding news so that you have a productive day. And what do you get to read as headline is a 2 yr old baby girl gets raped by her neighbor, student gets beaten up by their teacher, a dead body found cut into several pieces, farmers suicide again, the red tapism of the beaurocracts, wife along with lover murders husband, son kills father over land issue.
We slam up on the system, blame the people for their stupid and non-human behavior, often curse the newspaper for only covering such crime related news for gaining popularity and more reader. I often think why is only the crime covered and never the reason and solution for preventing such crimes be covered. Why is it that the religious land is being popular for all non acceptable criminal activities. Why is it that people from people to rich all are committing crime, why is it that we often hear news about innocent people getting punished for the crime of some other person. So, should we just shut up our emotion, thought and intelligence and just pray to god everyday that our loved ones be safe and not be victim of any of the criminal activites taking place outside. Just sitting inside a room and thinking yourself to be safe is the solution or being optimistic that no such thing will ever happen to me as I have never done anything bad to anyone else is actually going to help. Why is it that the education system is failing to stop or prevent the birth of a monster. Why is it that the parents and teacher collectively are failing to teach their children to respect each other. Is it because our young generation is learning what they are seeing. Is it that they are going oon the footstep of their elders or seniors. Is it because they have seen their father disrespecting their mother or is it that they have seen their senior mock about their teacher, slap their junior and flirt and throw dirty jokes at girls which has left a major impact on their mind and they justify their behavior by relating their brutual act by the act of their elders.

In olden times teacher was considered the most respected person, but today they are being mocked upon by the students .So why has this change come? Is it because the student are not given basic values at home or is it that they have lost respect for their teacher. And if it is so why the most respected people are now considered as mere a person who would come take their classes and leave? Why is there no bonding between a teacher and a student ?Why don't the teacher and student both understand their relationship and respect each other?Why is it that when a student gets poor marks he is considered as a fool rather than asking his problem or motivating him to perform better? Why is it that teacher complain to parents about the student misbehaving in school when the student spends about 8*5*25= 1000 hrs a mth with them for atleast 13 yrs and they could not even understand the student ? So why is it that the student who onces leaves school starts proving himself a free person who cares about nobody except himself ? Why is a student respected because of his wealth, marks and not because of his behavior? Why is it that we appreciate people who speaks a lot rather than respecting people who talk sense.?Why is it that a student after leaving his school has got nothing to give it back? Why are the student of high society not allowed to mix with poor students? Why can't there be a proper give and take relationship? Why is it not the duty of the teacher to help the student get away with the difference.

I totally feel that the education system has seen a set back , it seems to be rather forced upon the children. They are living the dreams of their parents which leads them to frustration. Schools have failed to give good humans being because what they care about is just care profit . Youth have turned literate , however in many circumstances have proved to be uneducated. The growing crimes, people making videos of dying person, brutual killing, sexual assualt of people, not denying the fact that even highly ranked official and elected representatives have often proved this correct. So what needs to be done, should we sit down or should we take some step.Parents hardly try to find the interest of their children neither the teachers. Parents send their children to school feeling relieved of their part of duty while teacher believe only the lecture or topic they are assigned to teach is only their duty. So, the question lies who should teach the children about the basic moral values? Today education is considered to be the most precious jewel of any person. It can even be seen as our asset which will help us earn in future. Parents make their part of investment by paying the monthly fees of the best schools in which they send their children. No idea where are we heading to in future.

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