As the title says, turning 25, it must be some age. Yeah right, I am talking about this age. The number 25 sounds cool, at this age, you must be earning or must be done with masters, got good hike, got crazy weekends, bla, bla, bla.......But. Life is uncool with these buts :P
As soon as we cross 24 years 11 months 19 days and few days to your birthday, your parents not only them, but your mama, chacha, tau, mausi, your neighbor and acquaintances all conspires to find a perfect guy/gal for you. They will ask you(yeah thank god, they do ask you these days), they will show you some, they will put it on and god knows on all stupid blogs.

First few months you keep on deferring saying mom there is lot of pressure on work these days, then later few months you will take a vacation break saying its the right time. Then exact one year later when you want to grow in your targets again same topic will pop up again. Your mom will say ''Beta!! its high time'' Are you interested in same sex??!!!!! YES! it literally happens

BUT if you ask me, then This age is the age when you want to go to Vegas to spent some money, when you want to save, when you even want to invest for big future plans but not marry for sure. :) And for god sake if you cross that age then no one on this earth can save you from your parents and their marry plans.

What if a man is 27 and does not want to marry, it does not mean he is gay or he is not getting perfect match. It means he is aiming high in the life. He wants his future family to be safe and secure. His priority is success not marriage.
And what if she is 27 and unmarried, it does not mean she's been rejected by many men. May be being single is a choice she has made.
We live in Hippocratic society who thinks of them before thinking of others, who thinks of their well being without pondering upon the outcomes. I pray to God to give every one the strength we need to face our small small issues.
Keep Writing. Its fun :)

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