Note : I really hate to start with a note(because let's face it, nobody cares about them), but have to because I want you to read Part 1 first

Part 1 :!-part-1/15422/

Kabir was anxious, as much as he was excited and nervous. She was taking a long time. And he couldn't wait. Not complaining of course, he wanted her to have all the time in the world she needed today. It was their wedding day, their dreams were coming true. And he couldn't wait to start a life with her, for her. He had his best man at his side. The two men glanced at each other frequently, one assuring the other with the silent gestures that everything was going great(had it been a bridesmaid and a bride; there would've been at least whispering, if not giggling!), then again turned back to face the grand entrance of the church. The best man looking almost as nervous as he was.

Then she appeared, and the world around him stopped. He was spellbound. He could no longer hear the priest muttering, the birds chirping, the sound of the giant fan that hung from the magnificent ceiling, or his own breath. Or was he breathing? Because she looked breathtakingly beautiful. He was awed, and unaware of his surroundings. She saw him, noticed his jaw drop as their eyes met, the searching gaze turn into a look of amazed admiration. Then his eyes softened and he gazed intently, taking in the sight of her. She walked slowly as brides are supposed to. His father giving her away. Yes, HIS father giving her away. Because they were all the family she had. And also they, without her, were incomplete.

They exchanged the vows, and the rings. Meaning every word of the vows and promising a forever with the rings. They were married. Kabir and Ira. He was a Muslim, she was a Hindu. They had a Christian wedding.

Sahir stood watching Kabir and Ira get married. A marriage he'd always dreamt of with Ishani. Yes, Ishani too was equally fascinated with Christian weddings as her daughter, Ira. In fact he always thought maybe the fascination was induced into her daughter by Ishani. They'd planned to have a christian wedding if they got married, which they didn't of course. Destiny had other plans for them, and their plan lost to hers.
And now she was gone, Ishani was gone. Entrusting upon him the only responsibility that had her survive all the pain for a considerable time, her daughter Ira. And he had looked after the girl as if she were his own. Ishani died, because she was living only to look after her daughter. While Sahir made them(Kabir and Ira), his life. You love your soulmates, you love your siblings, you love your friends and maybe your relatives too. But no love is as pure and inspiring(if love truly exists) as a parent's love for his/her children and a child's for his/her parents. For it is unconditional, mutually.

Time flew away flapping its wings faster than ever. For as we know, the smiles we smile and the laughs we laugh are measured in moments a month; and the tears and mourns in decades a second.

Kabir and Ira had a daughter they named after her grandma, Ishani. She was eight now, and oh so beautiful already. She played with her grandfather's wooden house(Man, that house was made of something!). Her grandfather stood watching her intently while also listening to the conversation of her son and daughter-in-law who stood beside him.

"OMG! That house looks so good to be that old. " exclaimed Ira.
"I know. Dad made it when he was twelve. I played with it and I can see Isha loves it already!"
"That she does." she smiled at her husband.
"BTW, I love the way she painted the house. She's so creative just like Dad."
Kabir turned towards his father.
"Didn't you always ask me to paint it and I never did. Now you see why. "
Sahir understood the joy his son felt watching little Ishani engage into her favorite pastime.
"True, That is brilliant." Ira added, "And do you see how organized she is, she reminds me of mamma."
Ira was a wonderful mother, just like she was a wonderful daughter. Tears welled up in her eyes when she talked of her mother.
Kabir understood. He had to distract her immediately with whatever lame stuff he could talk about.
"And have you ever noticed her eyes are just like Dad's?" Kabir had no idea he was fuelling the fire!
"And Mamma's hair. Straight, jet black."
"Okay enough of your DNA lady. She also has Dad's nose!"
"And Mamma's jaw structure! Ha! Anything more you can add?" suddenly it was interesting, to both of them.
"Well yeah, Dad's handwriting! "
"That is true. "
"Back to you lady. Let's see what more you got."
"Mamma's golden normal texture skin."
"Now you're making up stuff. Come on! Own up when you lose."
"I didn't! You are a loser. You don't have anything to say now."
"As a matter of fact, I do! She's witty. That runs in my family. So I win."
"She's also innocent. That runs in my family. I win."
And they laughed, together. It was these arguments that had brought them together over the years. And the laughter they shared later.

Sahir wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, placed his palm over his heart, closed his eyes and silently thanked God. The wish had finally been granted.

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