Abhinaya Geetham's Diary

Abhinaya Geetham's Diary

Open diary

Word of expression

26 years old, Male, Bangalore

Diary Entries (1)

Oct 10th, 2012 11:54 PM

"There's no perfect time to WRITE..There's only NOW" a famous quote makes me to write in my own way.

I always like to analyze many things in a general sense but what makes me so impressive is the "Way of EXPRESSION" and "Word Of EXPRESSION".In that process i am connected completely to Dance and Music.Yes,I am a dancer and music lover.

So , I love to mark my Dairy as "Abhinaya Geetham" which comes from our very own Bharatanatyam Panchamas -- Abhinaya (Communicative elements of body movements) and Geetham ( Music and Chanting).So,the name.

Coming to the First page of my dairy.Thanks to writerbabu which made me to write after long time.For me Writing is thinking made visible,So what i write here is what i thought and what i think!

Nothing to write much on Day 1,Just thought to introduce me.As of noecurrently listening to some good music and trying to compose the best move for the beautiful words "My heart is beating adolaa"(Yeah!!)

I always keep on looping all music and try to find a best way to express the lyricist words and keep on trying for better expression.Its a regular and routine for me.

At the end of day while hitting the bed i always made sure to explore one new move or one right way of expression in the form of dance(Abhinaya) to that particular beat in my own style if i hit the right chord,then i happily whisper "This is it"

This is what i am..This is Me...Will definitely update the next coming big things..Adios!!

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