Tarzan's's Diary

Tarzan's's Diary

Open diary

My Animals

16 years old, Male, In the jungle

Diary Entries (4)

Jul 31th, 2013 09:17 AM

Hi guys! I been working on my third chapter. Almost ready to start writing. I'm already tired though. I need a break desperately.. Working hard on the book is really starting to take a toll...

Jul 31th, 2013 00:13 AM

The black Mamba research is really a bulky chapter... my eyes are red.. and the fingers are barely lifting up... its time to go to bed.. goodnight everyone..

Jul 30th, 2013 2:16 PM

pfffffffff... 1st chapter completed....

second chapter half completed... still loads to write...

Jul 29th, 2013 10:54 AM

Damn! been working hard on a chapter for my book. spent more than 3 hour just researching researching and keeping on writing and cutting and editing.... It's damn hard... I'm going to relax a bit now.. see ya later guys..

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