W.Legend's Diary

W.Legend's Diary

Open diary

This is my first attempt at writing something about myself. I normally only write about other ideas that swim in my head. I hope this will help burst open the flood gates for my creativity to grow and reassure me that I have some ability to write or create or you know what I mean.

79 years old, Male, Universe

Diary Entries (2)

Aug 15th, 2015 9:56 PM

W. Legend Day 2
Time- Distant
Second attempt at writing a diary for myself

The mental diary idea had my mind go mad for to long a while. It's now that I'm thinking of going into territory that many people tread. A place of imagination and bewilderment. This is safe for me anyway.

There's to much that I have to do and never, NEVER enough time to get it all squared away! This is saying little compared to experiencing the massiveness of daily ritualistic activities that we force ourselves to accomplish due to nonsensical reasoning. Alas I will continue to squander the precious time that most would use for cleaning dishes or taking trash out to share with .....Oh yes myself the feelings, ideas, and experiences that I continue to breeze through without thinking twice about it if I hadn't placed them on this virtual paper. So for now I bid you a due. For the moment I'm forced to utilize my time to expel anything that is left from last nights meal. Good evening/morning to you and we'll talk again.


Aug 14th, 2015 10:20 PM

W.Legend Day 1
Time-Lost track
First attempt at writing a diary for myself

It's nice to have a mental diary. A place where no one can find your most inner, deepest, most abstract thoughts and ideas. I couldn't bare the thought of someone else interacting or worse yet sharing their opinions about the type of style or technique that I used while writing my most meaningful mementos. Nope! Who needs it? I have a diary filled with layers of pages of my soul that I can add to, edit when needed, and keep track of right in my old noggin! Sure the illusion of safety is just that, but it's that very aspect that keeps me feeling warm and fuzzy at night. Why shouldn't I continue to live the fantasy? Ok so the only thing I haven't figured out is how to send this to my spirit. Is there a button or wait.......Maybe it's this.....

Whoa? Where did that come from? I need to get some sleep and stop sipping on coffee in the late early. If I'm going to get anywhere with this I have to stay focused. A mental diary? Who would even come up with such a thing?
I'm done after that craziness. I'll try again tomorrow or something.

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Own a diary. Keep note of what is going on in your life. It would be amazing to look at it few years down the line. Or, you can have a diary of your imagination. A life you want to live. Note down what your character will be doing each day. Live a different life. You can keep it personal. Create one now. You'll love this concept. Login to create new.

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