When suddenly I felt this urge to write, I decided to write about that man we met during our reunion.
It was decided that we would visit the Mall at Kirti Nagar as a destination for reunion for the four of us. Since Sunday was a busy day for Drishti, we all decided to go there on Monday.
We all met together at 11:00 am, but as soon as we entered the place, we realised one thing- we were too early to reach the place. Half of the stores hadn't opened yet, and the gaming place was only for kindergarten kids.
Finding no interest in the place, we decided to move out and click a few pictures. As we were continuously clicking from this pose to that, we met an old man, not too old.

"May I help you click your pic?" He asked.
"You all have clicked in groups but none a picture of all four of you. So sad." He said.

We were quite reluctant to give him the tab that belonged to my friend Garv, as it was a very costly one. But still, we did allow him.
He clicked our pic. And started giving us tips on photography.
"While clicking a photograph, make sure of the subject, the distance."
"Never use close ups"

We began looking at each other's eyes. What was he saying?
"Keep in mind the subject you're clicking." We nodded, like obedient kids. "One minute more, It was a bit hazy." He said, as he began clicking another photograph of us.
Afraid, Garv told him he didn't need any more photographs. "They have already clicked a lot of my pictures." He managed to say, as he stood while the man held his tablet.

"While photography, it is very important to have a proper surrounding. And equally important to capture those. Photography is an art. An artist's work is a lot tough, though. He had to paint the photo." He said. We waited.

"I am not a photographer. No. Not professional. But I love photography. When you love photography, you tend to see everything in details. Capture everything lively." We nodded, getting bored of the lectures by the man who was wasting our precious enjoyment on the merry reunion day. We kept on glancing back at our watches and tabs to check the time. Finally (rather thankfully) the man gave us space and the meeting was terminated. As soon as we turned our backs to get out of the place, he called us again, "Suno Suno Ek chez batata hun", he said.

We with our gloomy faces returned as he began saying,
"SUno bache ek chiz batata hun

A for anda
B for bada egg
C for chota egg
D for double egg
E for egg."

We felt like crying as we ran from that place to protect ourselves from more stupid crazy P.JS.

We sat in the metro after a while as we went through the photographs clicked as our memories. We were horrified. The 'Anda' man had only captured half of Garv and I was looking drunk, and there was so much of empty space after our photograph.

Indeed, a "good" photographer, was the Anda man..

Mistakenly clicked on "Mark Shared" ***

Tags: Experience

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