Another year flies by,
Carrying all seasons of life.
From some we learnt full,
From others,we were made half.
A conversation pleased us,
A person annoyed us.
The essence was still there,
Of a meeting which stayed true.
We cared less for the roadside beggar,
We cared more for our daily selfies.
We grew up to be an year older,
We made our wisdom,sadly,younger.
The palm was closed with money found,
The body never ran bare feet on ground.
The sun passed on, the moon passed on,
The rains passed on,the winter stayed by.
We kept sitting in bus with lady standing,
We clapped for cricket giving other sports mauling.
The tryst did happen many times over,
Not with destiny but with our own self.
We praised and moved on through the year,
External beauty carries forward,soul's chagrin be lost.
The whole year round we searched for thieves,
Amazingly forgetting we were wanted the most!

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