Past and Future - two things humans think about the most. Majority of us are either upset, cry and regret about the past or keep worrying about the future. Even though we can do nothing about both past and future and they are beyond our control, still we keep thinking about them.

The only thing in our hands is and can do something about is PRESENT. Sometimes I wonder how people spend their time waste their time on things that are not in their control, rather than utilising it in the present moment.

I have seen many people ruin their life running behind their past or future. People keep crying about their mistakes, past relationships, things they should have done or shouldn't have done, letting go an opportunity, etc. Some are always worried about what would happen in future, no matter how uncertain it is. Both the things are absolutely useless and result in depression.

People forget to enjoy the moment they have due to their past and future. Live the moment. Enjoy each and everything that is present right now. Stop complaining. Live your life to the fullest. Because remember no gets a perfect life. Neither the rich are happy nor the poor. Compromising in life is inevitable. Everyone has to compromise in life. Try finding happiness in small things and keep moving.

Its ok to sometimes visit the past and plan the future. But always remember, "Past is a nice place to visit, not stay & there's no point in worrying about the future as it has not yet arrived."

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