Pregnancy is a natural meditative and spiritual phenomenon in every woman's life.
Nature has gifted it .The pain of pregnancy not only gives birth to a baby but a mother also.
To be a real mother is the highest state of being in any woman's life .
It gives a grace ,an innocence , a beauty which is incomparable.

But the problem is that most of the women goes through pregnancy in a guilt.
As if it will destroy their beauty .It will destroy their body's shape.
But it is only a half truth.When someone takes pregnancy as a guilt and want to get rid of it as soon as possible ,
it does not becomes a meditative experience.It just becomes an ignorance to nature's gift.

The more one takes pregnancy as meditation , as a holy experience ,more purity it give to mind ,body and soul .
It gives immense beauty to a woman that she is also not aware of .

It is nature's law that more we are receptive to nature's phenomenon ,more aware we go through a natural process,
more grace it gives to the being.

Women r naturally gifted with all the spiritual potentials , they just have to be aware of it.
Man is not naturally gifted.He has to acquire everything through hard work and struggle.
Women's r nature's gift.

Tags: LIFE

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