When i started studying science , i realized i like it like no other subject . It was what i was yearning for . This is not an exaggeration. During my early years while studying science , I understood the relationship between science and our daily life and the way it drives us. . i finally found that science was a mixture that defined growth , the force driving the humans and the energy that is synthesised in various forms that just gets converted from one form to another. i think even after centuries our knowledge is not much ,however we have made a tremendous progress.Modern science has opened a vast possibility of finding techniques with limitless discoveries with the use of technology.

Science attracts the breed of students who are not contended with partial understanding. working with new techniques provide tools to improvise over the understanding of a subject which is the way to work with the diverse problems posed by science.Jules verne 20 thousand leagues under the sea was the book that got the dice rolling. It introduced me to an amazing world full of awesome creatures and fascinating possibilties. The extent of jules verne mind of imagination brought me in an incredulous wonder world. since then I decided to take up science in future .My love for science rises from my curiosity . The curiosity to discover the uncharted ways and paths . Exploring a new dimension and charting new territories of science which may quench my thirst . A better understanding of the subject with hands on research with mentor guidance is the iron rule for achieving greater goals in science. being a part of that of that milieu is what interests me and i seek it. An oppurtunity to work with greater understanding for a common good is what defines my thinking as science.

My first project at pusa was my first big influence that established the unconditional commitment to science. working on the project made me realise the force that was driving me to work in a laboratory environment. When working on a science assignment or a theory , "for science no question is too big",was the one phrase ringing in my head constantly. The patience for solving a problem and the intricate complicated techniques with a disciplined approach was the motivating factor for me .

Tags: Humor

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