I wonder, I ponder
Oh what my life would be...

If I were thin...
had lustrous hair...
then the blemishes...
would I care?

I wonder, I ponder
Oh what my life would be...

If I were tall
...mocking the heartless heels i sport
Had my walk then been like hers?
Had I been.. less of a dork?

I wonder, I ponder
Oh what my life would be...

If I were fair...
with skin so pale
Had I been a snob then?
...like the vamps from the fairy tale?

Wondering, Pondering...
I was humming my life's old song
When my life suddenly snapped
"See Silly, that's where you're wrong!"

"If you were fair, if you were slim
If you had black and lustrous hair...
I would have missed seeing you skip your diet,
that mischievous smile
...with curls flying in the air!

Had you been a snob?
I don't know
A less of a dork?
I don't see how?

But let me you...
a thing so true.
You would have been anybody
Just anybody... but YOU!"

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