This blog isn’t going to witness the audacity of my personal writing but a fairy tale inscribed in novel ‘The monk who sold his Ferrari’.

Some of you might have read this novel earlier while most of you may find it an irrelevant stupid read. Still, if curiosity persists, I would suggest you to read through the following two paragraphs slowly keeping your intellect aside but your imaginative buds on ignition. Here it goes …

Imagine you are sitting in the middle of a magnificent, lush, green garden. This garden is filled with the most spectacular flowers you have even seen. The environment is supremely tranquil and silent. Savor the sensual delights of this garden and feel as if you have all the time in the world to enjoy this natural oasis. As you look around, you see that in the center of this magical garden stands a towering, red lighthouse, six stories high. Suddenly, the silence of the garden is disturbed by a loud creaking as the door at the base of the lighthouse opens. Out stumbles a nine-foot tall, nine-hundred-pound Japanese sumo wrestler who casually wanders into the center of the garden.

As this sumo wrestler starts to move around the garden, he finds a shiny gold stopwatch which someone had left behind many years earlier. He slips it on, and falls on the ground with an enormous thud. The sumo wrestler is rendered unconscious and lies there, silent and still. Just when you think he has taken his last breath, the sumo wrestler awakens, stirred by the fragrance of some fresh yellow roses blooming nearby. Energized, the wrestler jumps swiftly to his feet and intuitively looks to his left. He is startled by what he sees. Through the bushes at the very edge of the garden he observes a long winding path covered by millions of sparkling diamonds. Something seems to instruct the wrestler to take the path, and to his credits, he does. This path leads him down the road of everlasting joy and eternal bliss.

While today I brought forward this piece of fiction into attention, ironically I could never finish off this novel. Last night, my another attempt is on glide

I encountered this text during my college days. The imagination of magnificence, greenery, morning reddish yellow colors of sun light captured my mind so strongly that every time I had an exam to appear in, I would imagine myself sitting in the middle of this garden. The anxiety and restlessness would vanish away slowly and I would find myself energized with the courage to write exam for 3 long hours (actually I hate pen writing though can type on keyboard for hours ). Even this Sunday, when I had exam, I was trying to recollect the vision I had lost long back. Luckily I decided to give this book another trial and my memory is refreshed again

We all have different perceptions on ‘What life is all about’. So is our approach to lead our life. Still natural beauty fascinates most of us.

Try giving yourself an opportunity once in a while to fantasize such mesmerizing scene when upset. The magic instincts of nature always work :-)

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