The Flickering stars are twinkling blue...
Sensing the LOVE formed so new....
Whirling from my Waist,
the breeze just blow...
The Silvery moonlight floats so slow...
The clusters of stars just peeps and bow...
My heart slipped for someone, and the reason...
"I just don't know..."

The Soft hums of the Silent leaves....
Soothing feeling it simply gives...
Carrying his smell the winds hug me tight...
and within a blink, this thumping heart
becomes alright....

Silent moments take me to you...
Where the restlesness of heart beautifully grew...

Your touch, your smile...
Brings me life for a while...
and in that 'While' my soul creeps in,
leaves me Nostalgic,
leaves me Green...

I've walked across miles...
but your presence is the only thing that,
brought me lasting SMILES :)

Tags: Love

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