She is a girl,

A name associated with difficulties and hurdles

Filled to the brim with her morals and duties

Bestowed upon with the sense of honesty, responsibility,

Ready every time to sacrifice,

trying everytime to be patient, to be nice.

though aware how hard is the path

Caring everytime, promising service till her death.

No matter how much disgrace she has to face,

She is ready to hide her tears, without people even able to trace.

Sacrificing for her family, her daughters and sons

Leaving all wishes to die alone,

Forgetting the past, harm-all are bygone

To concentrate upon the path she treads on.

Yet how men behave is disgusting,

Every time pricking like a needle sting...

And each time it hurts, she still goes on

For her, uter priority is not the pain but her son

For whom she has to live

all she has, she has to give,

and so she stands up 'spite of all

fearless, dream-less, yet so tall.

Tags: Girl

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