It's getting harder and harder each day to be, yes to believe what and who I am.

I think I expect to much, but life has not been kind. Some would say I'm wrong.

I am starting to believe what others say is wrong. I think life has been unfair.

For me and one's I share life with, it's hard. Medical problems for my partner,
make life hard. For me, for her.

It makes life hard for others involved with our day to day involvement.

Too much stress, too much expected that will only get worse.

Yes I know others have worse problems with life. It just seems, most times
it's to much.

I hide. As much as I can. Not wanting to face things I can not control.

I have always been a person in control of my life, and those who have shared it.

I cry not as a child, only as a person, lonely, with out what I need.

Some who read my words struggle with the same things I share.
My heart goes out to you. Yes we have despair.

Tell me if you know an answer as we share.

Tomorrow will be a new day, maybe things will be better, no I think it will
be the same as it is everyday.

Just what I have to say.

Tags: Inner self

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