taking the corner seat,leaning onto the window ...the journey to my school starts.the bus moving against the direction of the wind pierces the fog;cuts through the air,breaking a few branches of trees on the roadside...leaving behind a trail of leaves ...which cover the road with a green sheet ...till some other vehicle makes those leaves bounce off the path and mark its existence :)
I,leaning on to the window ...siting quietly ,try putting the stray wisps of my hair right behind my ear without any success..as the wind blows and brushes them back onto my face . the wind makes me close my eyes..but i prefer to shrink them so that i could enjoy the picturesque view of nature.
branches and leaves sway with the moist wind making the trees sway swiftly,back and forth,throwing a wintry smell in the air.the grass underneath the the canopy is marked with footsteps ...seem to be providing an endless journey to someone .as my bus passes by the most dense area..the snow-white rabbits queue-up as if waiting for someone to wave at them.i wave at those rabbits and then they leap into their burrows...this is happening since i joined my school bus.they make a queue ... i wave ..they leap.:)
when it starts to rain they gather under different trees and look at each other as if trying to admire the beauty of the nature with their swiveling eyes.
besides seeing the gifts of nature i also stare at the works of humans...yes,there are small houses .but i never saw anyone near them..no eye peeping out of the windows...no one !
once i asked my friend if people live in those houses or not..and she said that even she never saw anyone there.and it forces me to believe that the houses are empty...left as a creation of void.it leaves me in a state of confusion when i think how can someone leave such a house which experiences a knock at the door everyday and when u open it.....u find the spanking green nature waiting for ur eyes to look at and admire .
is the chirruping of the birds just a sound for them ? is the song of the swaying trees a noise for them ? do they find the rabbits playing ,measuring the green carpet ,leaping into their burrows just a silly act? may be those people have just become materialistic in their approach...may be in the quest of earning money,living in luxuries has left them numb when it comes to adore the nature.may be the crab mentality has made them run out of time when it come to rain drops drizzling , so pure and unadulterated,trying to cleanse the human mind off the dirt .
people now have ran out of time...though each one in this world has the same no. of hours in his day.for some, those 24 hours seem less to admire the nature...for some, those hours are less to earn money.
it brings a sad smile on my face when i watch people ignoring those tons of flowers , filled with freshness,life and aroma ; waiting for them to stop and inhale their rejuvenating scent.
as my school bus crosses this heaven i am forced into the world of humans...again.but i never regretted being pulled into this rigid world because this world stands nowhere when i compare that miniature heaven of mine to it ....but still my eyes become moist thinking that humans will one day take my heaven away from me and i will be given a mall , a hotel or some other building, which will make that window close, onto which i used to lean and wave at those tiny creatures.....there would be no bunny waiting for the bus to arrive ...there would be no tree swaying and saying "have a nice day"...nothing...nothing would be left one day :(
and i will be asked to rest in my seclusion .... shutting that window of nature :(

Tags: Environment

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