A gentle breeze shifts through the trees,
within it lies the first chill of autumn,
the leaves gently rustle, the branches they shudder.

As I step out into the garden on this evening,
snatching the shawl even closer to my shoulders
and look upon the signs heralding winter,

I wonder to myself, a shadowy thought creeps into my mind,
making its way to my heart and there it nestles.
I look upon the skies the infinitesimal stars,
So many galaxies, universe after universe.

Eons of time gone by, eons of time still stretching ahead,
And yet here, in this unbearably tiny moment of contemplation,
lies a being, for whom time has stood still just this once
To allow this stream of consciousness to pass
This realization of one's utter insignificance.

The wind picks up again, blowing wisps of my hair,
I wrap the shawl closer to my heart,
at last its warmth surrounds my weary heart
the moment of contemplation has passed.

I lower my gaze from the skies to the leaves of the trees,
The sound of their rustling reassures me,
"Autumn has finally arrived", I say to myself.
Time to unpack my woolens.

With these mundane thoughts yet again taking hold of my mind,
I head towards my house
and step back once again into time,
Yes, the moment of contemplation has passed.

Tags: Literati

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