Let me add few words so that you people can easily understand this analogy given by Nitin Gupta known as Rivaldo in IITB and outside too .

An analogy which reflect scenario of Delhi Election (Future of Indian politics -->Rises of AAP ) . Danger of Global Warming = Problem with Indian System, Fossil Fuels= Corruption and other regular practices of Indian political and governance system, Exxon Mobil(energy giant and biggest company of America as well world) = Congress, British Gas = Bjp, K= Arvind Kajriwal, A= anna Hazare, Clean Energy = Clean system.

Now Go ahead must read.. because you are part of this system so you have to aware about things going around.Must read till end...


Faced with dangers of Global Warming.
Two people A & K started protesting against the use of Fossil Fuels to make this world a better place. They fasted in front of the White House, fasted in front of Exxon Mobil.

A & K knew US fixation on Fossil Fuels is the reason behind proxy wars and Climate Change. So They presented the blue prints of new ways to tap renewable energy.
Their struggle made them the icons of the CLEAN ENERGY & ANTI WAR movement. The Green Brigade.

They struggled for 2 years. But it didn't work. 'K' realized they have to raise the stakes and move on. He dared to start his own company with the vision of making the technology to produce CLEAN ENERGY himself! Something that most technology critics said, "NOT POSSIBLE!"

'A' didn't want K to start his own company. He said, "Our fight is against GLOBAL WARMING. We don't want to get into this business of producing CLEAN ENERGY! We are deviating from the cause"

K said, " That if we can produce enough CLEAN ENERGY, it can reduce dependence on Fossil Fuels! Hence help fight Global Warming! So it's the same cause "

A said, "Funding CLEAN ENERGY research and building that technology is the Job of Exxon Mobil and British Gas! Our Job is to keep the pressure"

K said, " Only Pressure won't do. Because they have no incentive to do it. So someone from outside has to enter the energy market and disrupt it!"

'A' : These Oil companies play dirty. We will become dirty if we enter the game! They won't let you survive. How will you raise funds to build your technology? "

'A' had all the doubts every normal person had. But against 'A's reservations 'K' dared to start his own venture.

Now some people of Team A and the Media started accusing 'K' of betraying A!
They started saying that 'K' just wants to become a ENERGY BILLIONAIRE. He just used the popular anger against IRAQ WAR and CLIMATE CHANGE to fulfill his own Ambitions! All that fasting was just a charade!

Exxon Mobil started calling him the B Team of British Gas.
British Gas started calling him the B Team of Exxon Mobil.

All the investors wrote K off. Because they found K's venture unprofitable.
They said, "Oh no one can remove dependence from Fossil Fuels. K is dreaming, living in his own fantasy! Fossil Fuels 100 saal se use hote aaye hain. Aage bhi hote rahenge!"
They didn't see an unknown Energy Start Up competing with the war chest of old Energy giants.

So K had to go for crowd-funding from people who believed in his cause. He built his first prototype for 20 crores he raised from 1000's of people

Meanwhile Media was asking K tough questions, " What is the guarantee that if we invest in your company CO2 emissions would fall to Zero? Can you guarantee you can switch this world to 100% CLEAN ENERGY"

K said, "No, I am not saying 100%. But ask yourself even if we reduce dependence on Dirty Fuels by 50%. Won't that be worth it? Why are we seeking absolutes in a world where there are none?"

Journo: People are worried that after the IPO you will also become like Exxon and BG? How can you assure us that post IPO You won't support wars in countries with Big hydrothermal, Tidal & Wind Energy potential.

K tried explaining, " If I had to profit from wars, I could have worked with Exxon Mobil or BG and made a fortune. Why would I start a CLEAN ENERGY company in that case!"

The thought of reducing dependence on Fossil Fuels irked some investors of Exxon and BG so much. Their mouthpieces started accusing 'K' of being a Socialist. If most of the world's power come from CLEAN ENERGY. What will happen to BG & Exxon Mobil and Reliance. These great symbols of Capitalism would Vanish. 'K' is hitting at the very foundations of modern capitalism. He is a Socialist.

K said, "Sir Capitalism means survival of the fittest. If my company can produce CLEAN ENERGY and win against the Old Energy Giants who use war, lobbying, money to maintain their majority market share. Won't that be CAPITALISM at work? If my company can provide CLEAN ENERGY at 30% cheaper prices. Is that Socialism or the victory of disruptive Capitalism?

Today that CLEAN ENERGY start up is going for it's IPO in one state that hold 1% of India's population!

Participate and become a share holder!

~ Nitin Gupta ( "Rivaldo ")

‘Koi bhi desh perfect nahi hota hai, use perfect banana padta hai’

Tomorrow might be a watershed moment in Indian politics. And/or in modern India. Tomorrow might be ‘A Wednesday’ or it would be any other Wednesday. A couple of years ago a man dared to challenge the might of deeply entrenched politicians and started a moment which caught the frenzy of much of the nation (sadly not many knew what the frenzy was about).

A shade over an year ago the man ventured into Indian politics. He did what few dare to do : Become a part of the system to change it. Here was a man who dutifully listed all donations on a public forum, appeared fearlessly on biased media panels and decided to give a fight to the Grand Old party of India.

Here is a man who does not resort to gimmicky speeches and talk under the garb of either secularism or communalism. Here is a man who dedicated the name of his party to the silent sufferer, the one who should matter the most.

This man gives us what we need the most right now.


Please vote for this party. Because tomorrow might be the moment that changes our country.

~ Bhak Sala

(दिल्ली वालों..तुम्हें इंडिया गेट पर पड़ी वाटर केननों, आंसू गैस के गोलों, मोमबत्तियों, अन्ना के अनशनों, जली हुयी मोमबत्तियों का वास्ता..आज जाकर ऊँगली ज़रूर करना..क्यूंकि आपकी किस्मत "आप" ही बना सकती है...)

उसने मेरी आँखों के तरफ गौर से देखा और पूछा ,

"क्या इस Election में AAP को vote देना चाहिए ?"

मैंने उसके दोनों कन्धों पे अपने हाथ रखे और कहा ,

"इब्तिदा-ए-ईमान है , दौर बदलने कि ज़िद्द ,
वो अपने मिज़ाज़ में दिल कि बात भी कह लेते हैं ,
कुछ मौके सर से मिटटी हटाने वालों को दिया ,
एक मौका सर पे मिटटी लगाने वालों को भी देते हैं … "

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