Destiny sounds very philosophical, every human being born on this earth to full fill ones wish, to accomplish the task which was undone in previous slot of the wonder world viz LIFE.But eventually this philosophical word sounds as a reality, where people work so hard day and night for Bread-Butter and other side people spend money like water for experiencing happiness.And when a strikingly rich person reaches the state of happiness without spending a penny. that's called a destiny.Life gets tough, but the important thing is to look at the beauty around you and realize what is meant to be will be.Often times people say, “what a coincidence!”, but what if it wasn’t? What if it was actually predestined that at that exact moment, your life would alter in the slightest - yet enough for you to take it into account.Have you ever wondered about your fate? What you’ll be when you’re older, if you’ll raise a family, or even what clothes you’ll wear tomorrow. It’s all destiny, determined by a higher power who knows us better than ourselves. Every minute of your existence is expected to give off energy; good or bad. That’s why we all occasionally feel that everything planned went accordingly, because they were always destined to turn out just as they should have.

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