The first professional interview of my life and i was tempted at the end of it to jot the experience down. Here the crux to it and a little insight in my life ;)

And he asked me the most awaited question
“ Who inspires u?”
Aah! I have been waiting to answer it for so long , who inspires me and I answered with my favourite “People around me” in all the childish tone , I thought he will be impressed but contrary to it baffled he was !! “What kind of people” Hush I never expected that , I ‘vent done enough thinking on this regard. I need to ask myself, what kind of people, randoms or particular in general . I answered- “surely not the Mandelas, or the Khans, or the Gandhis, Kapoors or anyone who has tasted success at that scale. “And I thought mother is the first thing which comes to anyone mind when talking about inspiration” .Mother, my mother surely has been but I ‘ve already imbibed in what I could from her , I need to learn more, grow more and this indeed has to be learnt from people around me.
“Tell me in detail, who helped u to shape up such a personality”
Sir, if u have the time I can go in all the unnecessary details but I know u surely haven’t , nor have I shaped my thoughts in this regard. So I know I ll end up confusing u and me at the same time. Don’t expect I was too blunt here, the thoughts were playing on at the backside of the mind, the brain though fished out another answer, haha the same “People around me”. Irritated he was . “Dear kindly let me know those people, tell me about your family” . He asked faking a patient and a non-irritated tone. My family, sir surely u wont get the stuff worth inspiring ‘cause all are either stuck up in a government job or in a money minting business. I surely don’t aspire do become anyone like that. “ What do u aspire then?” If only things would have been so easy to answer. A hybrid of all was what I wanted to say but I ended up saying “A doctor” . Yes ! it suited the occasion. Of course you dumbass what do you expect me to say in an interview for getting into MBBS. “ Why a doctor?” why o why I haven’t figured it out myself now, I was scourging in my brain for a made up answer “Passion, the profession interests me” the mouth blurted out.
Aah! I have boarded my train to impress him. Chalo, ask more.
“Why from our college?” Now this was the easiest one to answer. Because the Indian ones are so kanjoos to admit people in bulk, they scoop out the creamy layer from the general, the rest being mediocre SCs and STs and since there is so much craze around to get your mbbs done, I was left with no other option than to approach your college. But I realized saying all these stuff would make me alight the train and catch on a 3 wheeler directing my home. So I composed myself to speak out the sugar coated stuff and thus praised their university grandiloquently.

Aah! Finally the train moved on but it jolted at a stop and I was catapulted into the same uncomfortable zone again. “Tell me more about people around you” . Hush hush hush !!!! what do u want to hear sir. I have a long list if u ve all the ears am most ready. Some knowns , some unknowns, some just hi bye buddies but they are all there to inspire me in a way or other. My personality isn’t influenced by one, it’s a mosaic and am still figuring out who has been the inspiration where. For what I believe is am learning on my way. I want to sieve out the desired traits, imbibe them, move on grow . And that’s what my aim remains. Wherever I go, I just need to have the urge to grow, to push away my boundaries, to get out of the comfort zone to enjoy, to learn, to move on. I don’t want to become stale , I want to change in every aspect possible.And if people will say this isn’t the Stuti we knew, I’ll see it as an accomplishment. I could never let these things out specifically in that tone when I was wishing I could have spoken what I really mean to and when I really wanted to, whatever the consequences. But still that interview remains the memorable one, because yes I learnt about myself in a way. It raised the confidence, made me a bit independent, mature yes and made me realize the importance of people around me.
PS : The interviewer isn’t a dumbass, but a nice guy!!;)

Tags: Humor

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