It was back in late 80's.
A soul was dropped in this place we call Earth.
The soul got a body to reside in and than took birth physically.
Here began a Journey;
to Feel.
to Heel.
to Move.
to Love.
to Cry.
to Die.
The Soul was so Pure and knew it from the begining, that it wouldn't be easy.
But, still got cheesy and slowly all got fussy.
It was all new again.
Ready to see, listen, learn and grow in this Journey we call Life.
Fell and stood, cried and dried, rolled and growled but didn't stopped hoping.
Hoping to give meaning to an already given Body.
Hoping to give meaning to an already given Name.
Hoping to give meaning to an already given Life.
Hoping to give meaning to an already started Journey.
Just hoping;
to be Happy.
to Smile.
to be Loved.
to Love.
to be Cared.
to Care.
to be Friend.
to Friend.
All to make this Journey so memorable one that, it could not be forgotten again
by MY SOUL!!

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