Brown, heavily lidded, veiled by big lashes, people told her eyes were her appeal. They made you want to know the secrets of her soul, decipher what toiled in her mind, while she regarded you with those sensuous brown beauties, her lips drawn into a thin smile. They made you want to stroke her check if she was as velvety soft as her gaze seemed to be..
His were a different story. Grey, like the darkest clouds, threatening to rain, they were like God’s magnifying glass, looking beyond the walls you erected around your secrets. They captured your Iris, entranced you and then slowly, gently caressed you with just a look until you were ready to divulge the information he wanted..
They were no match for each other; Hers, always shrouded in mystery that would act your spidery sense up, tormenting you to pull her close and shake the truth out of her, the truth that she wouldn't give up. His, the sweet interrogator, that melted you, wanted you to serve up your heart in a silver platter. Her gaze left you suspended between realms and his left you speculating what would follow; the thundery downpour or the happy drizzles.
Yet they met, again and again and again.. the Grey holding the brown, neither of them yielding. This was a routine that was frozen in time, a track that was set on repeat, ending to no avail but never grew old. They met, never exchanged a word, sat on the opposite end of the class, yet they never started their day until the Mr. Grey had acknowledged Ms. Brown’s presence and Ms. Brown knew Mr. Grey was around and watching her. Thus began their day, every day of every month, for two years. Neither of them ever took it to the level where words would be needed. Eyes conquered all.
Until one day, he bumped into her. Her perfume stopped him in his tracks and the strong sinewy arm that came around her back to break her fall allowed her a glimpse of protection they promised, should she choose to stay…Their books were spread on the floor, they both bent down to pick. Still no word but neither of them hurrying..he inhaled much more of the drugging fragrance that she was doused in as she begged herself to tear her eyes off of his hulking frame..
This was the moment of silence before the storm raged in the wrath..They looked up, and without a further word, exchanged a chemistry manual..opened at the same page, accidentally perhaps..and then, the thunder followed as promised. He winked, she batted eyelashes..
The top of page on both read, “If found, please call this number..”
Finders, keepers.

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