I have a vision.
A dream.
Featuring You and I,
walking side by side,
by a cheerfully humming stream.
My fingers cuddling yours,
Oblivious of the surrounding.
The flirty breeze teasing your soft hair,
So soft, it's breath-taking.
Your tiny bare feet tickling the grass,
Your hand gestures caressing the air,
while we are deep in conversation,
talking on and on and on,
about everything, anything,
Just for the sake of talking...

Happy birds gossip of us,
High in the grinning shadows of conifers,
Hidden amidst lazily stretched wild weeds.
Colorful butterflies silently watching us,
Sharing secret glances with buzzing bees,
Scared away while you stop occasionally,
to observe an eye-catching flower.
Down in the forever humming stream,
A pair of curious eyes follow the intruders,
They belonged to that of a cautious toad.

The sun shying behind a pair of peeking clouds,
The sky and the earth communicating,
in a language unheard.
We laugh and talk and hold each other,
like a beautiful rose and protecting thorns.
The walk is never-ending,
The walk is ever-lasting...

Tags: Friendship

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