I am not a writer. I do not have a story. I am just like any other woman. A woman who makes mistakes, a woman who does not fear to take responsibilities, a woman who sometimes swallows her pride and self resepct to make her loved ones happy, a woman who cries inside but strong enough to carry her chores, a woman who gets abused, a woman who goes unnoticed.

Being a woman is not easy. You cannot be too strong for you will be called stone hearted, you cannot be too naive for you will be called weak. You cannot be too modern for you will be called a slut, you cannot be too conservative for you will be called orthodox. Our life is a paradox. There is nothing which will make this society happy unless it jots down rules for you and you religiously follow them.

Being a woman is not easy. It is not easy to stand against the society and make your own rules. It is not easy to have firm opinions which might shake the ground. It is not easy to be independent and tell the society that you need them no more. It is not easy to ignore the dirty gossips and remark for being happy.

Being a woman is not easy but it is possible. I choose not to care about the society, I choose not to care about inequality, I choose not to care about those male species who cannot respect women as a human being, I choose not to care about those talks who have no base of truth, I choose not to care about people who do not matter, I choose not to care about hypocrisy, I choose to be me.

I choose to be that me, who is happy, who is free, who is surrounded by love, who still has a child inside, who stumbles and gets up again without regrets, who is content in herself...I choose to be a woman.

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