The night was quite , spilling moonlight all over the lonely road and not a single soul was visible till far .
Just like his life where everyone had closed doors .

They were all around till he was of some use for them but when his time came to get paid back in a blink of an eye they turned their faces away leaving him stranded in the middle of life’s path .

And today here he was on this fateful night zooming across trees that played hide and seek in the dark , like good times which often plays with people , bestowed with a good heart .

“ All of them , they all are same “he thought “ It isn’t their mistake but mine for not having recognized the world and it’s ways .”
With lots of hope he had approached them again but unfortunately empty handed he returned back .

“ We should never help anyone in their need “ he said out loud knowing very well that nobody was listening .
Tears struggled on the verge of falling down through his black eyes which now held a swollen look owing to the sleepless nights he spent for a prolonged period .
The cold wind dashed into his brown skin like those emotionless words which was unsuccessful in bringing out the pain on his face but wrenched his heart deep inside.

“ Those who don’t have the ability to reach shouldn’t dream big , remain where you are , that’s what you are destined for “ he was advised the same morning.
He always believed Almighty’s there somewhere , near by listening to his silent pleas.
If he does then where has he vanished testing the limits of his patience and his honesty.

His eyes fell on a man standing at a distance , asking for lift but this time he decided not to stop.

“Enough of good work , they are leading me nowhere” he thought and crossed that man instantly without even glancing sideways .
But his kind heart forbid him from doing so , turning his bike again , he went towards that man to inquire if he really need help .
Seeing the bike approach , the man ran forwards with all his might and fell down on his feet surprising the bike rider in return.

The man said in a pleading voice “Sir my son is admitted in the hospital and I was going near him , when my scooter suddenly stopped on this road . For the past few hours I am asking every passer by for lift but nobody stopped . Thank God ! I knew someone will definitely come to my rescue “
“It’s ok” he said , made him sit on the pillion and dropped him near the city hospital in about half an hour .
“ Ok tell me one thing “ he asked “After you were denied by every passer by how did you still believe that somebody will give you a lift . “
“ Sir you know someone’s there above who listens to the prayers of honest hearts and he will come to help us in some or the other form .“ the man replied with a modest smile on his face before vanishing inside the hospital corridor .

Next day….

An unknown number blinked on his phone’s screen .
“ Hello “
“ Your project has been approved sir “ said the voice on the other side .

The tinkering sound of the bells from the nearby shrine flowed in , reinforcing his belief that yes someone’s there above who listens to the prayers of honest hearts .

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