This is an advertisement from the universe...yes the one you live in. Since the universe is able to sense a tinge of dullness in the way things have been working, it wants some new people in its Department of sum up what this whole thing is about, the universe has asked one of its newly appointed member to urge the homo sapiens to join in.
"I'm just one less than a score and in this span I've met a people with so many attributes...but I've been most fascinated by the wonderers. I mean there's something great about these people. The way they see each and everything, their way of judgment as well as their way of responding to things is just amazing. How dull this planet would have been if nobody would have wondered...?How slow our lives would have been if nobody would have thought...Just wonder...Since attributes are both in born and acquired, so I've acquired this way of living. And this has filled me with the zeal to create something new, it has made me proactive towards every situation and has helped me shape my mind in an incredible way. It feels so proud to call myself a part of this fraternity because everything I see around me has a whole new dimension. Not only do I appreciate the good qualities of things but also I involuntarily start wondering how can I make it better. And it is when you think and think then an idea strikes which changes the whole dynamics of the things around us. I have pledged to be this way for the rest if my life until I come up with the next big thing. Also I've learnt to appreciate criticism which is a part of the whole thing. The reason I've come up with this is because it is time we bring something is time we change the way things have been. So please come up and be a part of the league which will be a part of the change. Come, discover and experience the miracles of nature. Interested candidates may start wondering"
-Representative of Wonderers,
Anirudh Srivastava.

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