Whenever I am defeated,
Whenever I am not fine,
I just think of those stars above;
After all stars burn to shine...

Whenever you leave me alone,
Whenever you say that your are not mine,
I just think of those stars above;
After all stars burn to shine...

Whenever I work hard,
When ever I get a ninety nine,
I just think of those stars above;
After all stars burn to shine...

Whenever life is unpredictable,
Whenever life is unable is to define,
I just think of those stars above;
After all stars burn to shine...

Whenever I offer you something,
Whenever you decline,
I just think of those stars above;
After all stars burn to shine...

Whenever I feel upset,
And whenever I am not fine,
I just think of those stars above;
After all stars burn to shine...

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