from my childhod..i had always counted on my desires..n they were in for choclates other for a doll and few more like that...but as i grew desires also started growing..from dolls to a guy with whom i can fall in true now i am growing more..maybe my growth hormones have not the growing desires and now when i start counting i feel that all i want is everything... this is confession of a young girl's mind.

as a girl turns into a woman she realises that everything is not that easy. even the guy who seemed mr. perfect was not that perfect and the lovely dress that you loved does't suit you anymore.

some of the hardest time comes when your dreams start turning into realities and u have to choose waking up, because you are a woman.

its not about equalising men and women..i respect men..they are not something to be always compared and i am proud to be a woman like any other woman and there is no doubt about the powers of women but its very true that every woman has a glass ceiling, every step she has to compromise and most of the time men are responsible for that and the other jealous woman.

at the end we just realise that its possible to get anything we want but the hardest to get is hapiness after getting everything.

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