Stomp footed down treaded visibly in-visible there
Me walking grasping others behaviors and stare
Feeling no one’s presence and kin by my side
Aching heart clutch in throat pain in belly centroid
Inferring jealousy as the reason for such gestures
From those plausible pack of blistering laughter’s
Their faces gleamed with sort of entertainment
Sharing d workload of aorta and vein sentiment
Diminishing pain of heart to very sheer essence

Thy treating me like poker face concealing entity
Failing to calculate how to establish my identity
Oh! There is a tiny spock of unseen heart I possess
De-scaling every day to waste stream of ashes
Withholding huge tumbles of salty H to O
Behind feathery eye-lids dearly urging to flow
What a shame being nonchalantly lame
Impotent to understand the very social game
Wish cloning was ethical had my own clone
Wouldn’t have consumed the meaning of being ALONE

-Anshul Vyas

Tags: Alone, Poem, Poetry

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